Market and competition analysis

Assistance in researching new markets, identification of key trends and major players.

How do we help?


We will analyze the activities and financial results of the competition and show how to effectively fight for customers.

Market value

We will identify groups of recipients and sales channels

Market opportunities

We will indicate the most prospective trends and identify potential risks.

Worth knowing

What to look for when you are comparing your business to competitors?

Read the article

Key benefits

Profitability of competition - we will verify the margins in the industry and the margins of direct competition

Good practices - we will identify and help to adapt effective solutions used on the market

Target recipients - we will examine the purchasing potential of recipients on selected markets

Sales channels - we will determine how to reach customers in the most effective way

Expansion strategy - we will choose foreign markets with the greatest potential

Portfolio analysis - we will show how to adapt products to market needs and customer expectations

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Discover our other services

Business Intelligence

Full control of the company due to real-time data analysis.

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Profitability of our clients increased at least 8% since the beginning of cooperation. Discover how can we help in your business.

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